mental health relationships

"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" and Mental Health Awareness

"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" and Mental Health Awareness

Many people overlook this show because they don't realize it's a "serious" series about mental health (it's a comedy drama) from the ex-girlfriend's perspective. This article discusses what it's about, and why you should watch it, especially if you have experience with mental illness.

5 Life Lessons I Learned From My Divorce

5 Life Lessons I Learned From My Divorce

Divorces and breakups are some of the most traumatizing experiences that we can have. However, there’s almost always life lessons associated with them if we’re willing to look. Here are 5 of the biggest things I’ve learned a few years after my divorce.

5 Realistic Expectations When Dating My Mental Illness

5 Realistic Expectations When Dating My Mental Illness

What is it really like to date someone with mental health issues? Here are 5 realistic expectations when dating my mental illness.